
Jan 2001 – Jun 2006

PhD, Université Paris 6, IRCAM Écoulements dans les Anches Doubles pour application à la Synthèse par Modèle Physique (Physical models of double reeds applied to sound synthesis) Thesis director: Prof. Xavier Rodet

Sep 1994 – Jun 1999

Licenciatura in Physics Engineering (5-year undergraduate studies) at Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa; mark 16/20.

Jun 1994

Secondary School, Carlos Amarante, Braga, Portugal; mark 17/20.

Professional Experience

Sep 2013 – Present

Research Associate, acoustics of wind instruments during transients and vibrato, ARC project, Music Acoustics, Univ. New South Wales, Sydney, Australia PI: Dr. Joe Wolfe

Sep 2009 – Aug 2013

(currently on leave) Associate Professor (Maître de Conférences), Université du Maine, Le Mans, France

Nov 2007 – Sep 2009

Post-doc, Performance in wind instruments ARC project, Music Acoustics, Univ. New South Wales, Sydney, Australia PI: Dr. Joe Wolfe

May 2007 – Oct 2007

Research and Development assistant – Development of algorithms for the sound synthesis of wind instruments by physical models IRCAM, Paris, partnership with Arturia, Grenoble

Nov 2006 – May 2007

Post-doc, LAM / IJLRDA / Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie Control parameters in wind instruments PI: Benoît Fabre

Jun 2004 – Sep 2005

Research and Development assistant – Development of algorithms for the sound synthesis of wind instruments by physical models IRCAM, Paris, partnership with Arturia, Grenoble

Jan 2001 – Jun 2006

PhD, Université Paris 6, IRCAM Research and development of models for musical instruments, applied to a sound synthesiser IRCAM, Paris

Oct 1999 – Oct 2000

“Introduction to Research” Scholarship “Predicting Radiation Doses in the Internal Van Allen Belt”; Non-Linear Dynamics Group, Instituto Superior Técnico; tutored by Rui Alves-Pires.

Sep 1998 – Jun 1999

Researh Internship “Dynamique des Tourbillons Etirés”; Laboratoire de Physique Statystique, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris; tutored by Prof. Yves Couder.


May/Jun 2020

Science and Technology teacher at Lycée Condorcet — The french school of Sydney

Oct 2009 – Aug 2013

Average 240 h/yr in several domains of acoustics (perception, electroacoustics, electronics, signal processing and music acoustics)

Aug 2008 – Oct 2008

Teaching assistant (demonstrator), Physics, University of New South Wales (Sydney, Australia): Phys2630 (Electronics laboratories).

Mar 2008 – Jun 2008

Teaching assistant (demonstrator), Physics, University of New South Wales (Sydney, Australia): Phys2030 (Physics laboratories).

Feb 2000 – Aug 2000

Teaching assistant, Instituto Superior Técnico, Physics department; Experimental Physics I / Experiments in Modern Physics (3rd-year level laboratory course of the physics engineering undergraduate course)

Feb 1998 – Aug 1998

Teaching assistant, Instituto Superior Técnico, Physics department; Physics II (1st-year level seminar of the mechanical engineering undergraduate course)

Grants and awards

Dec 2009 – Dec 2012

Research grant, Retour des Post-Doctorants, Agence Nationale de Recherche, France

Nov 2006

Scholarship Comité Français de Physique. Participation in the 4th joint meeting of the acoustical society of America and the acoustical society of Japan Honolulu Hi USA.

Jan 2001 – Dec 2004

Doctoral Fellowship, FCT/MCES

Apr 2004

French Acoustical Society Fellowship. Participation in the International Congress of Acoustics 2004 – Kyoto, Japan and International Symposium on Musical Acoustics 2004 – Nara, Japan

Oct 1999 – Sep 2000

BIC (Introduction to research) Fellowship FCT/MCES (Non-linear Dynamics Group). Predicting radiation doses in the internal van Allen belt with Prof. Rui Alves Pires

Professional service

Jan 2007 – Dec 2008

Physics Representative to the Science Early Career Academics Network at UNSW

Jan 2007 – Dec 2008

Member of the GSAM board (Specialized group in musical acoustics) of the French Acoustical Society

Oct 2003

Organization of the 1st JJCAAS (Workshop for Young Researchers in Acoustics, Audition and Audio Signals)

Dec 1996 – Dec 1997

President of the physics association at Instituto Superior Técnico;

Oct 1997

Organization of the Physics Week at Instituto Superior Técnico;